Remote teaching and learning on the fundamentals of fluid mechanics

GUNT-Fluid Line with the HM-250 ‘Fundamentals of fluid mechanics’

GUNT offers the FLUID LINE series of innovative devices for the fundamentals of fluid mechanics: With the GUNT-Fluid Line you can also carry out lab experiments at corona times.

How does that work?

  1. Laboratory experiments are possible with sufficient distance via screen mirroring technology: you have access to ongoing experiments via screen mirroring on up to 10 end devices. One student carries out the experiments, the others follow the experiments in the laboratory at a sufficient distance via their terminal, laptop, smartphone or tablet.Please find further detailed information on the devices:
    HM 250 Fundamentals of fluid mechanics
    HM 250.01 Visualisation of pipe flow
    HM 250.02 Measurement of flow profile
    HM 250.03 Visualisation of streamlines
    HM 250.04 Continuity equation
    HM 250.05 Measurement of jet forces
    HM 250.06 Free discharge
    HM 250.07 Bernoulli’s principle
    HM 250.08 Losses in pipe elements
    HM 250.09 Fundamentals of pipe friction
    HM 250.10 Pressure curve along the inlet section
    HM 250.11 Open channel
  2. E-Learning: extensive multi-media didactic materials from GUNT on the laboratory experiments is available online. This enables students to prepare specifically for the laboratory experiments at their external workplace.This link takes you to the multi-media didactic materials
    multi-media didactic materials
  3. Remote Lab: you can set up a Remote Lab in your laboratory using the network-compatible GUNT units via your network. For this you need a webcam, a suitable software such as MS Teams and a terminal such as a laptop.This video shows you how to set up and use your Remote Lab with network-compatible GUNT devices:
    Remote Lab Video

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